Welcome to Storytroopers.com!

The only place where games, programming, reviews and stories meet together

Howdy! Thank you for visiting our site. We are three long-time friends who came up with the idea to write a simple blog. Instead, we made something beautiful. Introducing Storytroopers.com, the site where reviews about games, books, movies and much more come together with short stories. We would like to welcome you here and wish you happy reading!

About us

We're three fanatic young-adults who've been friends for several years now. We've written a lot of stories, programs and reviews together, but we've never had the chance to share any of this with the world except for social media. Storytroopers.com is here to change that!



Ricky is an enthusiastic programmer who's been programming since he first touched a computer when he was little. His skillset includes 17 programming languages and growing, making music, drawing or even penetration-testing for hire. His personal motto isn’t “The secret to our success is that we never, never give up” for nothing.

Kenneth van Langevelde

Kenneth is a creative boy who loves to share his thoughts in the shape of short stories. He has been writing stories for a while now, has his own patreon page and came up with the idea to start the blog.


Marwan Fadel

Hi, I'm Marwan Fadel, one of the three minds who brought you storytroopers. Let me tell you a bit about myself.
I'm currently a student at 18 years of age studying website design. I simply love programming. I also love chicken.

Latest site updates

New menu (26-jun-17)

Menu system

There was no denying that whilst the old menu was nice and pretty, it was painfull for mobile and literally impossible to expand upon. Therefor I've introduced a new experimental menu that changes to a hamburger menu on mobile!
Instead of it being on the top of the page, it's now on the left-top, right under the logo. It's something worth getting used to, trust us!
The implementation is something to be shameful of right now, but I'm doing my best to convert the temporary test code to be as streamlined and fast as possible. Sadly, most of it couldn't be streamlined without it being put in the main website itself.

I heard new additions!

We might be adding some new blogspaces in the near future. Don't tell the other staff I told you so...

Voting and profiles (20-jun-17)


It took us a while, but you're finally able to upvote or downvote our posts to show your appreciation or dislike even easier. You need to be logged in to vote, however. But don't worry! You can still see the points each post has without being logged in.
If a post receives an edit, the points will be reset to zero. So don't worry that you voted for something that changes eventually ;)


We've launched profiles about a week ago, but decided to keep quiet about it whilst we were testing it even further. Whenever you're in one of the blogs, you'll be able to select 'customize profile' under the 'META' section. Here you can select a profile picture for upload. The current upload restrictions are a bit strict, but don't worry! It'll loosen up eventually as we test more features.
You can also find a donation button on your profile page. We use stripe for that, a very secure payment processor. Eventually we'll include services like paypal, ideal, or even bitcoin instead of credit card.
Whenever you donate, your donated amount will be added to your total donated amount. Whenever you comment, you'll see a little icon next to your name. People can hover over it to see how much you've donated.
If there's need for it, or people want it, we'll add a button to hide the donated amount for other users. Therefor there won't be an icon but you can still donate to show your love :)

I hope you like this update. There's more coming up, for example voting on comments or sorting posts on points. For now, we'll see how it goes :)

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